Village Organisation Contact List

St Osyth Village Organisation Contacts ( updated 2 March 2019)

If your organisation is not included in this list, or if any of the information is not correct, please email us on

Active for Life: (Point Clear) Contact Deanna Lawes (Chairman) Tel: 01255 423212,or Frank Hearn (Vice- Chairman) Tel: 01255 822159 email: Meet twice a week in Dumont Hall, Point Clear.  Aerobics 11 am – 12 noon on Tuesdays and 10 am – 11 am on Fridays.  On Tuesdays, we also have table tennis and snooker from 9.45 am – 10.45 am.

Allotment Association:  Mrs Alma Blockley, The Peartree, Alpha Road, Point Clear, St Osyth, CO16 8NP. Tel:  01255 823302, email:

Almshouse Charity:  Mr John White, 8 St Clairs Road, St Osyth, CO16 8QQ.  Tel: 01255 820577 email:

Aviation MuseumMr John Moss, Sardiz, St Marys Road, Aingers Green, Great Bentley, email:

Badminton Club, Mrs Heather Morton, Oaklands, Jaywick Lane, Clacton on Sea CO15 2DR. Tel: 01255 224086, email:  Club night:  Mondays. 7.30 pm at St Osyth Village Hall.  Play league matches and have social activities.

Birdwatching Society:  Clacton and St Osyth, Mr Geoff Swayne, 59 Swallowdale, Clacton on Sea, CO15 4HQ.  Tel: 01255 424795. Contact Jill on 01255 424795 or Norma on 01255 673533.Meetings are held in the Trinity Methodist Church, Pier Avenue, Clacton on Sea, CO15 1NJ on the second Friday of the month at 7.30 pm; includes a varied programme of monthly illustrated talks from October to April on various aspects of bird-watching, conservation and general wildlife subjects.  Field meetings take place each month throughout the year, both locally and further afield.

Booktalk:  St Osyth Reading Group, Mrs Joan Wrigley, Tel: 01255 820833.  Meetings held at the Watershed Studio, St Clere’s Hall Lane (off Spring Road) at 7 pm on the fourth Thursday of the month.

St Osyth Boxing Club, Mr Billy Taylor, 40 Colne Way, Point Clear Road, St Osyth, CO16 8LL, email:

Business Association:  Neil Young, The Hoy, Clacton Road St Osyth, CO16 8PA, Tel: 01255 820222.

Carpet Bowls Club (St Osyth):  Mrs Pat Eagle, 01255 821809.  Held at St Osyth Village Hall every Tuesday  between 1.30 and 4.30.  £2 per session, first one free!  Includes tea/coffee and cake.

Chisbon Heath Colourists Art Group held at ‘Longacre’ Heath Road, Chisbon Heath.  Tuesdays from 10 – 4 pm. Wednesdays 10 – 1 pm.  Contact : Christine May on 01255 831328 for more details.

Creative Writing Group: Sarah Banham, 07875 490420,  Creative Writing Sessions, at Duke’s Bistro, Clacton Road, St. Osyth.  Wednesday mornings between 10.30 – 12 noon,   next three are on 7th October, 4th November and 2nd December.

Cricket Club – St Osyth:  Mr Nick Shuttleworth, 12 Point Clear Road, St Osyth.  CO16 8EP,  Tel: 07792 061965.  Email:  For further information, contact James Handscombe at (for Senior Cricket) and Bryan McManus at or 07729 124067 (for Colts: Junior cricket)

Disabled Persons’ Club – Point Clear & St Osyth:  Mr James McColl-Smith, 57 Spring Road, St Osyth, CO16 8RS.  Tel: 01255 821463.   Meetings are held fortnightly in St Osyth Village Hall.

Dumont Luncheon Club,  Chairperson – Dorothy Johnson  01255 821490 ,  206 Point Clear Road , Point Clear, St Osyth;  Vice Chair   – Carol Belcher 01255 484167 or 07743373347,  Alpha Lodge, Oakmead Road , Point Clear, St Osyth; Secretary   – Annette Thompson 01255 821777,   8 Golding Way, St Osyth;  Treasurer  –  Ken Belcher 01255 484167 or 07720849079,  Alpha Lodge, Oakmead Road , Point Clear , St Osyth;  Dumont Hall , Dumont Avenue – 01255 822437

Dumont Short Mat Bowls Club, Meets  every Wednesday and Friday 1.30 – 4 pm at Dumont Hall, Point Clear.  Club Secretary: Tony Smith  07915 918240

First Responders:  Mrs Suzanne McAree, 1 Beacon Heights, Point Clear, St Osyth, CO16 8JW, Tel: 01255 821522 email: Meet for training on the second Tuesday of each month at Dumont Hall at 7.30 – 9 pm.  First Responder volunteers are alerted to duty following a 999 call from the public.  They are trained by the Ambulance Service to attend potentially life threatening emergencies.  Their role is to stablise the patient until the arrival of the ambulance crew.

Historical Society:  Jo Cole, Tel: 01255 821759, Meetings take place in St Osyth Village Hall on the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm.  There is a guest speaker at each meeting on a variety of subjects of historical interest, some local, some further afield.  One day trip and one local evening trip are organised during the year.  Membership subscription is £17.50 per year.

Horticultural Society – Point Clear and St Osyth:  Mrs Suzanne McAree, 1 Beacon Heights, Point Clear, St Osyth, CO16 8JW, Tel: 01255 821522 email:

Ladies Keep Fit:   Mrs Alma Hoare, Byways, Oakmead Road, Point Clear, St Osyth, CO16 8NL.  Tel: 01255 821355.  Email: Meets every Thursday at 10.15 am at Dumont Hall, Point Clear.  Keep fit exercises based on those of Eileen Fowler.

Point Clear Community Association (PCCA), Mr Frank Hearn, 12 Westwood Park, Flag Hill, Colchester Road, St Osyth, CO7 8RE.  Tel: 01255 822159, email:

Pop-in for Coffee (and tea!): Mrs Ann Witton.  Tel: 01255 821661. 10 am every Saturday in the Church Room at St. Osyth Parish Church.

Parish Council:  Mr Neil Williams, Parish Clerk, The Village Hall, Clacton Road, St. Osyth, CO16 8PE.  Tel: 01255 821447  Email:

Playing Field Charity – St Osyth:  Clerk to the Council, St Osyth Parish Council, The Village Hall, Clacton Road, St. Osyth, CO16 8PE.  Tel: 01255 821447.  Email:

Pre-school Playgroup:   Mrs Claire Cowler, Mill Street, St Osyth, CO16 8EJ.  Tel: 01255 820937.  Email:

Primary School – St Osyth C of E School:  Headteacher:  Mr Mark Carter-Tufnell,  Norman Close, St Osyth, CO16 8PN, Tel: 01255 820823.  Email:

Priory Art Club: Maxine Baker (Chairman), Tel: 01255 822076, Audrey Brown (Secretary) Tel: 01255 821350.  Held at St Osyth Village Hall, every Wednesday between 9 am – 1 pm.

Priory Bowman:  Roger Abram (membership secretary), 01206 304049, email:   Club morning, Sundays 9 – 11.30 am, Second layby after leaving St Osyth going towards Thorrington.

Royal British Legion: Mr Jim Bligh, 51 Manfield Gardens, St. Osyth, CO16 8QJ.  Tel: 01255 820161.  Email:

RVS Over 60’s Club, Tina Edwards, 01255 820611 or Lily on 821968.  Meets on Thursdays at 2 pm. in St. Osyth Village Hall.  Join the group for friendship, tea and entertainment.

Scout Association – 1st St Osyth  Beavers, Cubs and Scout Groups:  Group Scout Leader: Mr Ray Titchmarsh, Tel:   07850 247100. Meeting place for Beavers (ages 6-8 yrs); Cubs (8 – 10 and a half years) Scouts (10 and a half – 14 and a half years) is the building at the end of Chapel Lane.   For meeting times and other information, please contact Ray Titchmarsh on above number.

Social Club:  Mr John Pavey, Church Square, St Osyth, CO16 8NU.  Tel: (Club) 01255 821520

SOS Group: Mrs Tracey Osben, Vice-Chairman, 82 Spring Road, St Osyth, CO16 8RU.  Tel: 01255 821829.  Email:

Sunday Club (St Osyth Parish Church): Jo Bunting Tel:  01255 821011.   Sunday Club meets most Sundays (except the 1st Sunday in the month) at 11 am in the Church Room at St Osyth Parish Church.

St Osyth News (Parish Magazine):  Mrs Monica Harvey, 18 Norman Close, St. Osyth, CO16 8PN.  Tel:  01255 820949.  Email:

Village Hall Management Committee:  Mr Steven Cole, 96 Colchester Road, St Osyth, CO16 8HB.  Tel 01255 821579.  Email:

Village Hall Bookings, please call 07497 999824, leave a message and your call will be returned within 24 hours or alternatively email:

Women’s Institute:   Mrs Christine Harman, “Barnfield”, 35 Point Clear Road, St Osyth, CO16 8EP.  Tel: 01255 820215, email:

Yoga:  Ms Paddy Bellis, email: Personal Fitness Trainer and Yoga Teacher.  Yoga classes:  Monday mornings at St Osyth Village Hall and Wednesday evenings at Dumont Hall.  Beginners and Intermediate.  Paddy is also a qualified Children’s Fitness Instructor and has DBS and First Aid certificates.   Tel:  07961 576113. Email:, website:

Youth Club:  Mr Bryan McManus, Tel: 07719 124067.  Email:

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