St Osyth Village Hall Please call 07394 923020 for Information and Bookings or click on the Hallmaster link below to view availablity.


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St Osyth Village Hall

To View Events and make bookings please click on this link:


The Hall was built in 1972 and is held under a Deed dated 9 April 1970, as a public charitable trust for the purposes of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of the Parish of St.Osyth. The holding trustees are the Parish Council, but the practical management of the Hall is taken forward by a Committee of Managing Trustees comprised of representatives from affiliated organisations who are appointed annually by their club committees, six members of the public elected at the Annual General Meeting, and up to six co-opted members.

The Management Committee meets every three months to decide on general policy issues, and as of July 2000 comprises 13 affiliated group representatives and 3 elected members. They elect a Finance & General Purposes Committee of six officers to take forward the daily management of the Hall, a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Booking Officer and Premises Officer.

The Hall is well used on a daily basis by many community groups whose activities include:

friendship groups, badminton club, WI, indoor bowls, Zumba, line dancing, other exercise classes, baby clinic and Parish Council meetings.

Other regular activities include Table Top Sales, Quiz Nights as well as wedding receptions and private birthday parties.

The village hall complex comprises the main hall with kitchen and stage area and also the smaller annexe hall to the rear of the building which has a separate kitchen. The two halls can be hired separately or as one large venue.

The village hall is accessible for everyone and there is plenty of parking available

Our Address is: St.Osyth Village Hall, Clacton Road, St.Osyth Essex, CO16 8PE

For more Information E-mail


St Osyth Village Hall





9am – 7pm

£15.00 per hour


7pm – midnight

£25.00 per hour


9am – midnight






9am – 7pm

£8.00 per hour


7pm – midnight

£15.00 per hour


9am – midnight






Weekend package for whole complex from Friday 7pm to Sunday 1pm £500.00 ( plus £100.00 deposit)


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